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Cooking Terms

Name Description
Bake To cook by dry heat, either covered or uncovered, in an oven or oven-type appliance.
Baste To moisten meat or other foods with pan drippings, fruit juice or a sauce. Prevents drying of food surface and adds flavor.
Beat To make a mixture smooth by introducing air with a brisk over and over motion using a spoon, or a rotary motion using an egg beater or electric mixer
Blanch To make a mixture smooth by introducing air with a brisk over and over motion using a spoon, or a rotary motion using an egg beater or electric mixer.
Blend to combine two or more ingredients thoroughly.
Boil To heat a liquid until bubbles continuously break on the surface
Braise To cook slowly in a broiler or over hot coals.
Bread To coat with flour, then dip into slightly diluted beaten egg or milk, and finally coat with bread, cereal or cracker crumbs.
Broil To cook by direct heat, under a broiler or over hot coals.
Brown To cook at a medium heat until meat has turned brown.
Caramelize To melt sugar, or foods containing sugar, slowly over low heat without burning, until it melts and becomes brown in colour.
Chop To cut food into small pieces with a knife.
Clarify To make a liquid (stock, broth, butter)clear by skimming away or filtering out fat or other impurities.
Coat To cover food evenly with flour, crumbs or batter.
Coddle To cook food slowly in water just below the boiling point.
Compote Fruit stewed or cooked in syrup, usually served as a dessert.
Cool To let food stand at room temperature until it is no longer warm to the touch.
Cream To make a fat, such as butter, soft and smooth by beating with a spoon or mixer. Also, to combine a fat with sugar until mixture is light and fluffy.
Crumble To break into small fragments or particles.
Cube To cut a solid food into cubes of about 1/2 inch or more.
Cut in To mix evenly a solid fat into dry ingredients (e.g. shortening and flour) by chopping with two knives or a pastry blender.
Dice To make small cubes of 1/8 to 1/4 inch.
Dredge To cover or coat food or a similar fine, dry substance.
Dust To sprinkle lightly with flour or sugar.
Egg wash Egg beaten with water
Fillet A piece of meat, poultry or fish without bones.
Flake To break food into small pieces, usually with a fork.
Flute To make decorative indentations around the edge of pastries, fruits or vegetables.
Fold To combine two ingredients. Using a spoon or rubber spatula, go down through the mixture on the far side of the bowl, bring the spoon across the bottom of the bowl and up the near side, turn the mixture over on the top. Turn the bowl slightly and repeat until mixture is blended.
Fry To cook in hot fat; pan-fry or saute in a small amount of fat, deep-fat fry in deep layer of fat that covers the food.
Gash To cut pattern into pie crust with a knife.
Glaze To coat with a smooth mixture to give food a glossy appearance.
Grate To rub food against a grater to form small particles.
Grill To cook on a rack over hot coals or other direct heat.
Grind To reduce to particles in a grinder, blender or food processor.
Julienne To cut meat, vegetables or fruit into long matchlike strips.
Knead To manipulate with a pressing motion accompanied by folding and stretching. For yeast bread: fold dough toward you, push dough away using the heel of your hand. Rotate 1/4 turn and repeat. For tea biscuits: kneading process is much less vigorous and requires less time.
Marinate To let food stand in a seasoned sauce called a marinade to tenderize and increase flavour.
Mince To cut or chop into very small pieces, but smaller than diced.
Mix To combine ingredients until evenly distributed.
Panbroil To cook uncovered on a hot surface removing fat as it accumulates.
Parboil To cook food in a boiling liquid until partially done. Cooking is usually completed by another method.
Pare To remove outer covering of fruit or vegetable with a knife.
Peel To strip off or pull away outer covering of fruit or vegetable.
Poach To cook slowly in simmering liquid such as water or milk.
Puree To put food through a sieve, blender or processor to produce the thick pulp or paste with juice.
Reduce - To rapidly boil down the volume of a liquid to concentrate flavour. - To bring down or lower.
Roast To cook meat in an uncovered pan by dry heat in an oven.
Saute To brown or cook in a small amount of fat (see Fry).
Scald To heat milk just below the boiling point, when tiny bubbles appear around the edge of the pan; to dip certain foods briefly into boiling water (see Blanch).
Score To make shallow slits into the surface of a food in a diamond or rectangular pattern.
Sear To brown and seal surface of meat quickly with intense heat.
Shred To cut into long, thin strips with a knife or shredder.
Simmer To cook in liquid just below boiling point; bubbles form slowly and burst before reaching surface.
Sliver To cut into long thin pieces with a knife; e.g. almonds or pimiento.
Steam To cook in a covered container above boiling water.
Steep To let stand for a few minutes in water that has just been boiled to enhance flavour and colour.
Stew To simmer slowly in liquid deep enough to cover.
Stir To mix ingredients in a circular motion until blended with uniform consistency.
Stir-fry To cook in a frying pan or wok over high heat in a small amount of fat, tossing or stirring constantly.
Toast To brown with dry heat in an oven or toaster.
Whip To beat rapidly with a wire whisk, beater or mixer to incorporate air to lighten and increase volume.

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